Teenage Girl Stabs Boyfriend During Sex

 A teen interested in human sacrifice and sexual violence was sentenced Wednesday to more than 11 years in prison after she pleaded guilty to stabbing her partner while they were having sex. Zoe Adams, 19, of Wigton, United Kingdom, admitted to unlawfully and maliciously wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm for an attack during which she stabbed Kieran Bewick, then 17, five times in his chest, arm and leg.

The on-and-off couple had been drinking one night in July 2017 when Bewick got sick and went to bed, local police said. Adams, who had also been smoking cannabis, had two more shots before going to bed with Bewick, according to Cumbria Police.

Adams asked Bewick to put a pillow over his face to "make it more kinky," police said. She then told him to "trust me" before stabbing him, according to British tabloid The Sun.

Bewick felt his lung "pop and squirt" during the stabbing, he told police at the time of the attack, according to the BBC. The teen managed to escape and fled to get help from a neighbor, police said, and he suffered a collapsed lung.

Adams, who was arrested at the scene, told police she had no recollection of the attack.

"Adams told officers she blacked out and had no memory of the attack. Her 17-year-old victim is not so fortunate. He will have to live with the physical and mental scars of Adams’ actions for the rest of his life," Detective Constable Calvin Greaves said in a statement.

Adams told officers she had the knife for protection for her and her daughter.

The teen also had an obsession with "gruesome murder videos," Bewick told officers, and she sent him a message earlier describing a man "strapped up and used as a human sacrifice," according to the BBC.

During the trial, the court heard that images of sexual violence and murder were found on Adams' phone. Adams had clown makeup on during the attack and knew Bewick feared clowns, The Sun reported.

Source: peacefmonline


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